
Dr. Janetta Bekman, MBA;PharmD

Associate Director, Medical Payer Strategy,

Ribbons and Badges

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Pittsburgh, PA
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💡 I embrace my authentic self [as a 1st generation Russian-speaking Armenian immigrant] to motivate and energize my colleagues and customers to bring out the strongest qualities in myself and others.

💯 While clearly communicating and attentively listening, I strive for excellence to achieve results through a strategized approach and a collaborative team effort. 

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 As a mother of a 5-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son, I break down barriers and exemplify resilience through my career, professional development, and personal life. 

📚 Recognizing the importance of a business and leadership mindset in our fast-paced, tech-savvy corporate world, I completed Duquesne University’s MBA program and served as the President of the Donahue Business Society. 

🌆 I have built a strong clinical foundation by completing and coordinating Highmark BCBS’s managed care pharmacy residency program. 

📣 Open to guest speaker events for students, residents, fellows, and/or pharmacists in managed care and/or pharmaceutical industry! Update: I am now expanding my reach to non-pharmacists in relation to mental health, women in the corporate world, and many more topics!

-Pharmaceutical Industry
-Managed Care Pharmacy 
-Specialty Pharmacy
-Residency Program Management