
Ms. Kathleen Moreo, BSN;RN

PRIME Education, LLC

Contact Details

PRIME Education, LLC
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
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Kathleen Moreo is board certified advance practice registered nurse and Founder of PRIME Education, LLC. Since 1994, she has guided the organization to advance the science of learning and behavior change through education and research. Her health career began at Community Hospital of South Broward in Florida, where she conducted quality improvement and performance improvement initiatives to ensure medical necessity for Medicare and Medicaid populations.

An executive registered nurse with multiple board certifications in case management and disability rehabilitation, Moreo serves in diverse voluntary health care roles including external faculty of the University of Florida College of Pharmacy's Experiential Rotation program, Vice President of the Board of Trustees for the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Foundation, and editorial board member of the Professional Case Management Journal. She has received numerous professional awards including the AMCP 2012 Spirit of Volunteerism, the 2019 and 2016 ACEhp William Campbell Felch Award for Research in Continuing Education, and the 2000 Case Manager of the Year Award from The Case Management Society of America.  She has published extensively in peer-reviewed medical and health care journals and has authored 2 books for the American Nurses Association.

Moreo graduated summa cum laude from Barry University with a bachelor of science in Nursing and cum laude with a bachelor in health services administration.